The Orange Eagles School of Cycling

This is my Seven Cycles 622 SLX Today was the first time in over a year that I had the privileged to ride with the PCP Race Team . I have not done much road cycling since March 17, 2014. I started bike commuting on my new bike December 2, 2014. Today was my first day back in the Orange Eagles School of Cycling and I was excited. Why do I call this group the Orange Eagles? When I was riding with them today I thought about the saying "How can you soar with eagles when you are surrounded by turkeys". This statement reflects a negative attitude, so I was thinking about restoring the statement with my training. I want to soar with eagles, but first I had to find some eagles to soar with, then I need to train so that I can fly with them. Kent Wheeler took this photo of me on the ride. Michele Moulton says we were going 23 MPH. Today was another "Sling Shot" ride for me. That is where I use the PCP Race team to get me way out in the mi...