Mr. Mellow Yellow does 71 miles with PCP Race Team
Today I participated with the PCP Racing Winter Training Series #7. Typically The PCP race team rides "slower" during the winter. This winter I have been enjoying the rides with the team. This ride was the fist time that I rode the long route and finished with someone that started the ride.
I did get dropped right before Sasser when the first sprint occurred at about mile 45. To be honest I thought I as going to ride the rest of the ride by myself, which is OK for me. I use the PCP Race Team to sling shot me out on a country road completely exhausted and then I ride back home. Today however I decided to keep riding as hard as I could. I knew that the team would stop at the Sasser gas station and country store to get fluids, snacks and to socialize. I decided to see if I could catch them before they left.
As it turns out I did make it to the store in time to get water and add my Heed to it and rest a bit. I knew that there was another 25 miles to go so I was determined to keep up until we returned to Cycle World where we started. I knew the route back to the start as I have cycled it many times by myself. I knew all the small hills so I mentally prepared myself to keep up with the group no matter what when we did the hills. To be honest I really like hills, but riding hills fast it hard for me. So I prepared myself to make it to HWY 32 and Palmyra Road.
Well I not only made it to my goal, but I decided to take Kent Wheeler's challenge and lead an sprint attack. I do not have any illusion that I was actually going to win the sprint, but for me to actually pull out inf ront of the race team when I was rally tired is the crazy stuff that you do when you are having fun. I really have fun with the PCP Race Team and today was wonderful.
I am glad that there were plenty of times for me to catch my breath during today's ride. Cycling down country roads in SW Georgia in a pace line is the best way to spend an day.
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