Cycle Mee Spin Class

Today on my ride home was the second time I played my Spotify playlist "Cycle Mee".  I created this playlist especially for inspirational riding at a fast pace.  My tendency is to ride this flat land in a high gear at a slow cadence and just power my way to a decent speed.  When I ride with faster cyclist I have to spin to keep up and I generally get tired after about 25 miles.  So I decided to do something that I use to hate, ride to music like in a spin class.

The last time I tried a spin class was in Portland in a  gym in the Perl District.  I would go in on the invitation of a fellow cyclist.  I would change the pedals on the Schwinn stationary cycles and listen to the leader lead the class through simulated courses to music.  I got bored with this routine quickly and stopped going.  I enjoyed riding real hills.

So now I live where it is really flat and the only challenge is to ride into a headwind or to ride really fast.  Tonight I had a chance to do both.  Having music to keep my cadence is more enjoyable for me than watching my speed because I can keep my head up and enjoy the view as I ride.  I also have a game that I play and I try to get home before 7 PM.  When I leave work around 5:20 I have to really focus to get up to a good pace to make it home in 90 minutes.  I rarely ride that fast, but tonight I got home in 83 minutes.
Here is my play list,

Cycle Mee


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