I made another long ride into the state of Florida May 23, 2015. My wife +Sylvia Wormley wanted to visit the Wakulla Springs State Park. We play this game where she picks out a destination that she wants to visit, and i ride my bike there and then we hang out and relax. As usual I could not stop and take all of the pictures that I wanted to, but here are the photos from the ride.
Tractor on GA HWY 37
I like riding my bike down roads where there are farms. When I get a chance to stop and take a picture of a tractor I do it. I have never seen a tractor of this type. I will have to research it to see what it is used for.
Pastoral barn on River Road
My friend Richard Thompson recommended that I take this road on my next trip to Florida on my bike. River road is really nice, lots of farms and low traffic. If you look closely at this image in the sky on the right you can see a crop duster. I am glad that I did not have to cross paths with this crop duster on this ride.
New county for my bike travels
This route was remote and it did not take me through any small towns that had gas stations or stores. I pass a lot of churches as this is the Bible Belt, so I started stopping at churches to get water. I use tablets to add electrolytes to my water. I started playing another game on this trip, see how far I can ride without paying for water. I am happy to report that I rode 131 miles and did not pay for water.
I have passed many corn fields on my bike. I have also watch large combines harvesting corn for bulk use. I have never witnessed the harvesting of corn by hand for consumer packaging. Earlier on my trip I was a plant that was taking tree farm pine logs and transforming them into the wire wooden crates that are being used for this corn.
The truck is being pulled by the tractor.
Farm hands picking and packaging corn
I have always wanted to visit Bainbridge
Prefect weather and slight cross winds
This would be my fastest average pace for the day
Downtown Bainbridge, GA
Bainbridge State College
After leaving Bainbridge I vered off course and got on US HWY 84 instead of staying on US HWY 27. I guess I wanted to do some hill training with strong headwinds. I was starting to get discouraged riding on this busy highway, but my spirits picked up when I reached the town of Climax.
Old store front in climax, GA
Climax, GA Memorial to locals who paid the ultimate price in WW II
I took my phone out and got my bearings. I decided to trust my garmin which was offering a updated route.
Finally got to florida
After meandering though some back county roads I got back to US HWY 27. I decided to stay on US HWY 27 until I got to Tallahassee.
After crossing into florida I saw this huge Confederate Flag. I decided to add it to my trip photos.
I really like the style of this sign
It was getting really hot at this point. I started playing another game. I wanted to take a picture of my Garmin display when my milage was the same as the air temperature. I got pretty close before giving up and focusing on getting to my destination.
98 miles 98 degrees
100 miles 101 degrees. temperature jumped up before I could get my phone out
Riding down Mud Creek Road this evening was a joy. One of the highlights of this road is the Beggars Bush property. There are usually some nice horses in the pasture, but when I see them I rarely take time to stop and take a picture. This evening I did stop to get a shot of the main entrance to the property. For you Rolling Stones fans this property always reminds me of my favorite Stones album, Beggars Banquet. I would love to have a cycling event where we ride to this property and have a picnic in the pasture. I would call it The Beggars Banquet. Beggars Bush on Mud Creek Beggars Bush Main road Te Seven at Beggars Bush On a technical note I was testing my USB charging interface on my Garmin GPS tracker. I rode for 90 minutes and the Garmin stayed charged at 100%. This confirms that I can ride all day and not use the internal battery on the Garmin. At night I will disconnect the USB interface and run my light and let th...
I think I am ready to write about one of the scariest days of my life. Funny thing is that I do not remember the horrific details, but I will write what my friends tell me what happened when I was unconscious or just do not remember. On Monday morning March 17, 2014 I put on my #Bicycle Commuter Cabal green jersey and headed to work. It was drizzling slightly, but it was warm. I had my yellow rain jacket on and three tail flashers on my bike, two red and one white. I left my house about 6:15 AM and started my 25 mile commute to work. This commute takes me about one hour and thirty minutes. I was taking an easy pace because I had just finished a big 145 mile ride to St. Mark's on Friday so I jut wanted to relax today. Everything went as usually until I was riding on the short stretch of Newton Road (HWY 91). I do not remember turning on to HWY 91 so everything that I write from here on is from what my friends have told me. I was struck from behin...
The next time you see a bike commuter take the time to ask them when was the last time they had a cold or if they get flu shots. I bet that most bike commuters can not remember when they were sick last. As a bike commuter I ride my bike all year, rain or shine. When I ride all year I hardly ever get sick. I believe that my immune system stays strong because I am outside riding my bike at a minimum of three hours each day. During that time I am breathing hard and sucking in all sorts of pollen and man made pollutants. As a result of exposure to these air borne particles and the ever changing weather my body adapts to the seasonal changes and thus stays in sync with nature and I remain healthy and vibrant all year. If you are a cyclist and your agree or disagree with this fact post your comments so non cyclist reading this will be convinced to start riding everyday to stay healthy. This morning I started my bike commute of 51 miles at 5 ...
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