Ortlieb and Jandd Rack Live to Ride Again

My bike right after getting it from Cycle World bike shop. I had a new taller seat post and had my rear rack mounted. This rear Expedition Rear Rack Tall Boy - 29er by Jandd was purchased in 2002. Rated for 75 pounds Here is my bike with the Ortliebs Back-Roller Classic. These were purchased in 2002 in Portland, OR The well worn product label Rear view of the bike. Today I completed my commuter bike build. I am not going to be doing my normal 15 mile loop through the countryside bike commute for a while. riding my road bike for a short commute takes too much time to put on the extra gear. This bike allows me to quickly get on it in street clothes and take a short ride to work rather slowly without breaking a sweat. My goal has always been to keep one less car on the road. So this bike,, while it will not be my choice for riding 50 miles, it certainly is a bike that I will use on short trips to work and to the sto...