Jekyll Lefty, the Green Thumper Bike Lights

I had a request to show how I attached the Hotshot to my helmet. I am riding with my Nite Rider Pro 1800 Race mounted on my helmet. I clip the hotshot on the headlight cable that goes to the battery in my back pack.

I also included pictures of all of my other lights, four total. I have a white flasher on my front shock, two small flashers left and right on my rear rack. I also have a Hotshot on my seat post. I have one Cateye on the rear of my rack.

When I have a bag on my rack I can easily unclip the Hotshot on my seat post and put it on my helmet, back pack or cycling jersey pocket.

Oh, and I found out that Burley in Eugene, OR is no longer a coop. The duckbill was made by Burley along with my rain coat. The raincoat was a casualty of the "incident" on March 17 at the. I am currently looking for another cycling jacket that I can use in the rain as there is no replacement for the Burley rain coat. Glad I still have the Duckbill.

The Video

The photos:
Small LED lights mounted on the main bar of the rack

Trying out a hands free bike pose.

Trying out a hands free bike pose.

Front LED flasher mounted on the Lefty shock

Rear bike light mounted with 1/4 inch pipe nipple and zip ties.

Rear bike light mounted with 1/4 inch pipe nipple and zip ties.

Rear bike light mounted with 1/4 inch pipe nipple and zip ties.

Rear bike light mounted with 1/4 inch pipe nipple and zip ties.

Rear bike light mounted with 1/4 inch pipe nipple and zip ties.

Hotshot LED light on the rear of my helmet

Hotshot is mount using the clip on the light just above the
Velcro holding my light cable to my helmet.

Side view of Nite Rider Pro Race 1800 with helmet mount.

rear post mounted Hotshot.

Cateye mounted on Blackburn rack with 1/4 inch pipe nipple.

What the heck, Garmin 810 with a red protector.  I am using the Road bike mounting bracket because my
brake levers are too close to mount it on the bar using the small mount with the two bands.

For those of you who may be wondering about why this bike only has one front shock, well I will give you the reason.

The Cannondale Lefty has been around for a long time. The Lefty offers these advantages. Chassis stiffness, plushness, lack of bushing bind during braking, best stiffness to weight ratio for forks of the same class, and yes, you don't have to take the wheel off to change a flat!

Here is a video that will show you why I love the Green Thumper.


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