Jekyll Lefty, the Green Thumper Bike Lights
I had a request to show how I attached the Hotshot to my helmet. I am riding with my Nite Rider Pro 1800 Race mounted on my helmet. I clip the hotshot on the headlight cable that goes to the battery in my back pack. I also included pictures of all of my other lights, four total. I have a white flasher on my front shock, two small flashers left and right on my rear rack. I also have a Hotshot on my seat post. I have one Cateye on the rear of my rack. When I have a bag on my rack I can easily unclip the Hotshot on my seat post and put it on my helmet, back pack or cycling jersey pocket. Oh, and I found out that Burley in Eugene, OR is no longer a coop. The duckbill was made by Burley along with my rain coat. The raincoat was a casualty of the "incident" on March 17 at the. I am currently looking for another cycling jacket that I can use in the rain as there is no replacement for the Burley rain coat. Glad I still have the Duckbill. The Video The photos: ...