100 miles and 4,288 feet of elevation.

Yesterday, Sunday July 14, 2013, I proved to myself that you can ride around Austin and get a great ride without going far.  I started out early in the morning before daylight.  I rode north to the little town of Bertram 10 miles from Liberty Hill.

I then returned to Liberty Hill and ode to Leander and Cedar Park following the bike commuter route that I used when I lived in Cedar Parked and worked near down town Austin. I got to South Austin and stopped at P. Terry's and had a grass fed beef hamburger with all organic extras.

At mile 56 I decided to ride up what I consider the steepest roads in Austin, Stafford Lane and red Bud Lane.  I have not done this in a while and I have never done this route with a double.  I was riding a rented Trek Domane 4.7 and it was a nice adventure.  The seat post dampening works great.  I intentionally selected a route that took me over some good old chip seal and the bike performed beyond what I expected.

After the decent down red bud I road up the super cycle highway Loop 360.  there are some good descents and climbs on loop 360.  I can go down a hill at 45 MPH only to go up the next hill at 15 MPH or slower if it is hot outside. I tried to keep pace with a young thirty something male across the 360 Lake Austin bridge up to HWY 183.  This quick pace and after riding Red Bud really wore me out so the last 20 miles were a real effort to complete.  I had a slight headwind riding to Austin in the morning and then when I was really tried there were storm clouds and high winds going back to Liberty Hill.

I am happy to know that I did a 100 mile self supported ride in Texas.  I have a new respect for the Trek Domane 4.7.  The Bicycle Sport Shop did a perfect fitting on the bike based on my email measurements from my Serotta.  I was riding a 58 CM frame so I am glad that my next bike will not have to be a custom frame.


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