Century Bike Commute

Today I accomplished a goal that I have not achieved in Georgia.  I rode 103 miles today commuting to and from work.  I rode 48 miles in the morning and 54 miles in the evening.  I use to do this type of long commutes when I lived in Portland.  I have in my memory that I use to have a 53 mile commute one way.  The route was up the west hills to Dixie Mountain.  Dixie mountain road went from 1,600 feet above sea level to 26 feet above sea level at the Columbia River.

Anyway I wanted to get a 50 mile route one way so I could ride it and get 100 miles on a bike commute.  Once I get the logistics down of where to ride and where to refill my water bottles I will do this route more often.

Morning Commute

Evening Commute

 The day was cool and the rain was gone for my evening commute. I rode the whole ride in darkness or overcast skies. It was a real treat to be riding and not be really hot. There are some country stores along the route so I have a places to stop and get ice and Gator Aide to keep hydrated.

Not sure if I am going to do this tomorrow.  I will have to see how long it will take to clean my chain in the morning. I like to get to work at about 7:30 AM so if I do not get my bike chain cleaned and lubed by 4 AM I am doing a shore 32 mile commute.


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