The reality of bike commuting finally settling in

This week is the first week of bike commuting in total day light.  I am in the sweet part of the year and I want to enjoy every minute of it.  This is the time of year in SW Georgia when it is cool in the mornings, but not chilly.  It is cool in the evenings and not hot, humid and full of bugs.  The days are long and I can ride both ways to work and back (50 miles round trip for 3 hours on the bike) without using my head lamp.

Today was extra special for me in that this week I had my Flight Deck bike computer fail.  This bike computer came as part of the original equipment on my bike and was integrated with the Shimano gear  shift levers.  I rode with this setup since 1999.  I removed them Monday evening along with my aero bars and for the past two days I have been riding my bike like never before.  I can not instantly see how fast I am going so I can relax and ride how I feel and enjoy the singing birds and the passing semi trucks.


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