What-A-Burger Tour February 21, 2015

Weather forecast for 2/21/2015 Yesterday I rode my bike from my house in Albany, GA to the What-A-Burger restaurant in Thomasville, GA. The forecast for the day was for winds out of the SSE at 10 to 20 mph. Normally I would not choose to ride under such conditions since I would be riding south for 75 miles. I like to think that I am not an unusual fellow, but this sort of ride appealed to me so I went anyway. I have done this ride 3 or 4 times since moving to Georgia in 2010. The What-A-Burger opened up in Thomasville after I moved here. When I discovered it's existence I knew that I had an excuse to ride over 100 miles in one day. This ride is the longest ride to date since my accident last March 17, 2014. I had all of the fears of not being able to ride this far as I did when I first rode this ride in 2013. I supposed the thrill of doing things that I am not sure I can do is what drives me to do them. I also have a fear and loath...