Riding a bicycle in the dark

Niterider Digital Headtrip I have been reading on my Google+ groups and talking to a lot of cyclist in my cycle club who have a fear or reluctance to ride after the sun goes down. I am posting this on all of my cycle groups so that you all can get a good opinion on riding at night. All summer I ride most of my morning commute in darkness. When daylight savings time ends I will start to ride most of my evening commute in darkness all winter. Riding in darkness has it's advantages and disadvantages. I will discuss some of the best ways to optimize riding in the dark based on my experience. Just this year alone as of this writing I have cycled 6,883 miles. Of that mileage I have bike commuted 4,768 miles. I estimate that almost half of the bike commuter miles was in darkness. I have ridden my bike in the dark in California, Oregon, Texas and now Georgia. Each time I have stopped riding for a year or two and I start up ag...