Shine on you crazy bike commuter

The next time you see a bike commuter take the time to ask them when was the last time they had a cold or if they get flu shots. I bet that most bike commuters can not remember when they were sick last. As a bike commuter I ride my bike all year, rain or shine. When I ride all year I hardly ever get sick. I believe that my immune system stays strong because I am outside riding my bike at a minimum of three hours each day. During that time I am breathing hard and sucking in all sorts of pollen and man made pollutants. As a result of exposure to these air borne particles and the ever changing weather my body adapts to the seasonal changes and thus stays in sync with nature and I remain healthy and vibrant all year. If you are a cyclist and your agree or disagree with this fact post your comments so non cyclist reading this will be convinced to start riding everyday to stay healthy. This morning I started my bike commute of 51 miles at 5 ...