Unplanned 80 mile bicycle ride

Today I started out planning to do a short Saturday morning bike ride with the Pecan City Pedalers bike club. It turned out to be an 80 mile ride that I rode by myself for about 55 miles. I started out riding with the faster group of riders. I knew that I was not in the best of shape as I have not been riding much at all lately due to work related issues. I have been down this road before, the sling shot theory. The sling shot theory is how I re-booted my cycling after being off the bike for five years. I knew that today was going to be one of those rides where I would get dropped at some point out in the country. Today I got dropped about 9 AM, one hour into the ride. I was struggling to keep an 18 MPH pace and when the pace line when up to 20 MPH, I decided to slow down and ride slower. So here I was out in the country heading up to a town called Smithville Georgia. I had been there before a year ago with the PCP Race team duri...