Shift To Bikes
I have to plug this group, Shift To Bikes . I rode with them on some awesome bike adventures when I lived in Portland around 2002 when they first got started. My favorite ride was the Mystery Ride. We met at a pub on the east side and the ride leader would start the ride at mid-night. The only person who knew the route was the leader. It was cool riding through the deserted downtown streets with 200 cyclist. There were all sorts of bikes from the traditional to the home made. Shift To bikes is sort of an anti-cycling club. They advocate cycling as being a social fun activity and not just a sport for health. I met a lot of folks that I never would have met if not for this club and my bike. There were lots of homeless cyclist in the group. When I think back on it I was unemployed at the time during the big Dot Com crash. I was getting unemployment and I would look for a job by day and hang out with the likes of these street urchins in the afternoon and evening riding my bike...